Saturday, October 29, 2005

this is a runaway blog. so, it is meant to run away!

and this is a story about a runaway 'me'...

my birthday is exactly 9 days before today. it was a blast. my office friends gave me a surprise birthday bash that i can't imagine before. gosh, i love them for doing it. and that is not just it. i got the most beautiful gift ever. exactly on my birthday, i went out with someone that i wish is i can hold on to. he picked me up. i was happy. =)

on that day, i couldn't ask for more. he took me straight home. but, i thought that was the best i can get. coz, i never colud have asked for more. he is not mine. he doesn't even like me... =(

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

sedih banget...

beberapa hari ini, gue dengan sangat keras menyembunyikan sesuatu. sudah dicoba dengan sangat keras, tapi ternyata tetep juga ketahuan.

ternyata gue bisa juga bo'ong.
tadinya gue pikir gue gak bisa bo'ong. kalo diniatin ternyata bisa juga. hehehehehe

gue berusaha untuk gak cerita sama siapa-siapa. termasuk my best friends.
cukup berhasil juga sih. tapiiiii, sakiiit banget.

kemaren chablaxxx udah tau sedikit. dia gue bilang kalo udah gak ditelepon lagi sejak tanggal 8, which is the girl's birthday. dia cuma komentar kalo dia feel sorry for me. hehehe.

my other best friend cuma gak gue bilangin apa. temen baik gue yang ada di amrik cuma gue bilang kalo dia udah putus hubungan sama gue. gak bisa nanya balik, karena itu lewat friendster.

gue udah lebih baik siy, padahal udah beberapa hari ini gue nangis hampir tiap malem. emang itu barteran gue. gue bersedia nangis tiap malem, asal i can get him over with. shit!
tadi temen gue baru aja gave me shocking news. he actually tease me about the phone. terus akhirnya gue terpaksa ngaku kalo gue gak ketemu sama tu orang udah lama banget. dia kedengerannya cukup shock. hehehehe.
gue bilang kalo gue pengen balikin telepon itu asap. terus dia bilang, 'titipin aja ke gue. gue sering kok ketemu sama dia.'

please get him over me!